Thursday, November 13, 2008

Secrets of 8 minute dating

Eight minute dating has become a very trendy concept in most of the big cities all across the world. The 8 minute dating events are becoming more popular today because of its wonderful technique for you to socialize with other people without that shyness and pressure of finding a topic to talk about.

8 minute dating is beneficial to singles that do not have time to look for possible dating candidates and to actually schedule a date. Here we will discuss about the secret features of 8 minute dating concept.

1. Try to meet the person who first catches your eyes
In 8 minute dating system it is very necessary for you to be very quick and fast while expressing your feelings and desires to the other person. So try to meet those people who attract your attention in the first meeting only.

2. Physical appearance is very important
On an 8minute date physical attraction is very important. Dress in your best clothes and shoes. Do not try to look too formal or too casual just try to be as best as possible.

3. Listen more than you talk
You can only maintain a relationship with that person, whom you know very well. So in order to have a successful dating experience you should listen to your partner and ask them about their personal as well as professional life.

4. Stay calm and be your self
While on an 8 minute date you should be calm and composed. Do not be too stressed out. Just try to be yourself, do not imitate or act like some one else. Your date would be impressed by you if you be just your self.

5. Try to smile and make eye contact
A person would only be attracted to you if you possess a friendly nature and smiling face. Try to make an eye contact with your dating partner; this gesture will surely help you to establish a better relationship with your partner.

6. Talk about something that interest both of you
8 minute dating is a very fast process, so do not waste your time talking about unnecessary things. Engage in a conversation that includes your as well as your partner's interests and likings.

7. Do not criticize your dating partner
If you do not like anything about your partner in an 8 minute date, then tell them this very politely. Do not try to criticize or insult them in front of others. Try to respect a person for whatever they are.

Follow these secrets tips to gain experience and success in the 8 minute dating method.

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