Monday, October 6, 2008

Building Trust in Relationships

Trust is the most important factor in any relationship, without trust your relationship will go no further and it would eventually die out. Building up of trust in any relationship is a very easy task but maintaining that trust is very difficult. If even once that trust is broken then your partner would never be able to trust you again and it would be very difficult to gain their broken trust once more.

Below are some tips that would help you in maintaining trust and faith in your relationship.

1.Respect your self
Firstly, one should respect their selves then only they could respect their partner and their feelings. If you love your partner and are loyal towards then they would always trust you and would forgive you even if you do something wrong.

2.Resist temptation
You should always be true to your partner and never lie to him. It is very essential for you to say no in cases which can cause harm to your relationship. If someone is tempting you to do something, which according to you is wrong and would hurt your partner, then you should straight away say no.

3.Share secrets
Learn to share your secrets with your partners. Even if you are ashamed or scared of something, you should not hesitate in front of your partner and should tell them everything. It is the right of your partner to know about your past relationships.

4.Your actions should match with your words
If you are not telling the truth to your partner they would eventually catch you. So if you do not want to get into any such situation, your actions should match with your words. If your partner sees that what you say and do matches, then they would always trust you.

5.Good communication always help
Always have a good communicative interaction with your partner, tell them what you do not like about them, also keep them informed of all the major decisions that you take in life. Good communication always helps in creating trust and mutual understanding between the partners. Know about the troubles and challenges your partner faces in his or her daily life.

6.Always be open and honest
You should always be open and honest with your partner about your needs. If you require certain time and space let your partner know about it and never break their trust if they are loyal to you throughout. Talk to each other about every small thing and solve your problems together.

You should always keep these essential tips in your mind in order to maintain your partners trust and love for you.


Rajasekaran said...

Nice tips.I expecting more from you in building and maintaining relationships.

JaRayhart said...

The honesty is key. I would like to know from your experience, when is the best time to have sex, with a focus regarding what you think happens to a relationship after sex?

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