Monday, October 13, 2008

Creating a Better Online Dating Photo

Online dating has become so popular that thousands of people are engaged in such services. To succeed in online dating it is very essential to create an attracting online profile. Your profile will only be good if you add a beautiful profile photo of yours. Pasting a photo is very important if you want to attract other members to your profile.

Here are some very powerful tips that would guide and help you to create a better online dating photo.

1.Always use a recent picture
While creating your online dating profile it is very important for you to paste a picture which has been recently taken. Avoid putting pictures which are very old. If you will put a picture where you are looking younger than you actually are, then this will give a wrong impression to the person who is viewing your profile.

2.Use a picture in which you are smiling
Always put a picture in which you are smiling or laughing. Such kinds of a picture will give the viewer a good impression of your personality. Most people look good in pictures in which they are smiling. Avoid putting pictures in which you are frowning or looking sad.

3.Use natural light and a clean simple background
You should always try to look natural in your pictures. While clicking your picture, make sure you take pictures in natural light. Pictures taken outdoors usually are very clean and bright. Use backgrounds which are simple and natural. Do not try to create artificial backgrounds because they tend to spoil the picture.

4.Always use clear facial or head and shoulder picture
Always use a full length photo as your main display picture. If you will only put a photo of your face, people will think that you are hiding your body. Take a plain and simple head and shoulder shot. Facial pictures tend to attract the largest number of viewers.

5.Do not take glamorous shots
Never take pictures which are too glamorous and unreal. Always take pictures which are simple and trendy. Women should not put too much make- up during a photo shoot. They should also not wear clothes that are too revealing.

6.Do not have too many people in your picture.
It is always advisable that you should put pictures which do not have too many people in them. Solo profile pictures tend to attract the largest number of people. Always wear attractive and comfortable clothes while shooting for your display photo.

These tips will surely help you in creating a better and more attractive display image that would surely impress people who view your profile.

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